
Christian Resources is a non-profit teaching, apologetics and publishing ministry founded by William Webster dealing with issues related to Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, the Gospel, Church history and the Christian life. The ministry is dedicated to the teaching and proclamation of the Gospel, a biblical and historical defense of the teachings of the Reformation and the discipling of believers in their Christian walk.
William Webster has a Masters of Theology in Biblical Interpretation and a PhD in Historical Theology, both from Whitefield Theological Seminary.
The Benedict Option: Is the Benediction Option Really an Option?
A Critique of the Book The Benedict Option and the Interview Between Al Mohler and the Author of the Book, Rod Dreher
by William Webster Read the Article
A Response to Frank Beckwith’s, Return to Rome
Why Scripture and the Facts of History Compel Me, a Former Roman Catholic, to Remain a Committed Evangelical Protestant
by William Webster Read the Article
Augustine – De Unitate Ecclesiae – On the Unity of the Church – An English Translation – Available in English here for the first time
An important historical work dealing with the nature of the true Church and its unity. It is a privilege to be able to present this work of Augustine to English readers for the first time. This letter and treatise reveal the overall principles that governed Augustine’s perspective on the church and what he considered constituted true unity and the implications his views have for the Reformation controversy with Roman Catholicism. Read the Article
Jesus the Messiah: Prophetic Proofs that Vindicate the Person and Claims of Jesus to be the Messiah and Son of God
An examination of the historical evidence for the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy in the life of Jesus—prophecies written hundreds of years before his birth. As Jesus said, ‘All things which are written about Me in the law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled’ (Lk. 24:44).
A careful and honest examination of the historical facts can lead to only one conclusion: Jesus Christ is the long promised Messiah, the Son of God, the Savior and King of all nations. Read the Article
Extensive documentation of the Interpretation of Old Testament Passages referenced as Messianic from Rabbinic, Talmudic, Midrashic, Targumic and Other Jewish Sources. Read the Article
Documentation of over 400 passages from the Old Testament that have been interpreted by the Jews as being Messianic. Read the Article
Sermons at Grace Bible Church
Sermons by William Webster
Here you can download sermons in MP3 format. Sermons from 2003 are available upon request. Click here